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Associations involving delays (particularly long delays) between certain weather parameters and geomagnetic activity


Four sunspot-minimum periods (1963–1966, 1971–1977, 1983–1987 and 1992–1997) have been examined for the results which are presented. Using several different weather parameters, tropospheric gravity waves, enhanced cold fronts and two rainfall data sets in Eastern Australia, associations at reasonably high levels of significance have been found with enhanced geomagnetic activity (EGA). Statistically this EGA involved either short delays of several days or long delays of about 20 days. The geomagnetic parameters used were (a) the AE index (b) the hourly H component for a number of stations and (c) the daily K p -sum value. The K p -sum analyses have shown that the EGA associated with the delays form part of four or five cycles of recurrent geomagnetic activity for 27-day periodicities. Furthermore statistically two recurrent cycles are found to exist concurrently, one apparently related to the short delays and the other to the long delays. Periodicities of 13.5 days are created because the two sets are displaced from each other by approximately this interval. A brief reference is made to the 13.5 periodicity known to exist for geomagnetic activity and the evidence in the literature for active regions on the sun to be displaced by 180 degrees of solar longitude.


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Bowman, G.G., Mortimer, I.K. Associations involving delays (particularly long delays) between certain weather parameters and geomagnetic activity. Earth Planet Sp 53, 959–968 (2001).

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