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Fig. 6 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 6

From: Joint inversion of teleseismic, geodetic, and near-field waveform datasets for rupture process of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake

Fig. 6

Distribution of ΔCFF due to the Gorkha earthquake. Areas with positive and negative ΔCFF are colored red and blue, respectively. Yellow and orange stars denote the main shock epicenter and the largest aftershock epicenter, respectively. Gray rectangle represents source fault defined for the main shock, and magenta rectangles are those obtained for the 1934 and 1505 earthquakes from the zone of VIII or greater intensities, assumed source region, and the epicenter in Fig. 1. Their areas were calculated using scaling law between rupture areas and M w (Murotani et al. 2008). Green curves with triangles denote the MFT. Dashed magenta ellipses with letters “S” and “W” in positive ΔCFF areas indicate potential source regions for future large earthquakes likely affected by the Gorkha earthquake

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