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Fig. 6 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 6

From: Statistical analysis for EUV dynamic spectra and their impact on the ionosphere during solar flares

Fig. 6

Differences in ion production rate between the pre-flare and flare peak by GAIA with RUN-35. Differences in ion production rate between the pre-flare and flare peak at 130°E and 34°N calculated by GAIA with RUN-FS35 for the X1.1 class flare that occurred on November 8, 2013. Differences in the ionization rates for a total ion, b O+, c O2+, d N+, e N2+ as a function of the wavelength of solar emission (unit: Log10 (W m−2 nm−1). f Differences in the altitude distribution of the ionization rates of each ion. The solid and dotted lines indicate the ionization rates of each ion at the flare peak (4:24 UT) and the pre-flare (4:00 UT), respectively

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