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Fig. 11 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 11

From: Tephra segregation profiles based on disdrometer observations and tephra dispersal modeling: Vulcanian eruptions of Sakurajima volcano, Japan

Fig. 11

Time series of Lobs, Lcal1, and Lcal8 for eruption #19147 at sites a HKU, b HKD, c AKA, and d SBT. In each region (separated by dashed lines), the lower plots are the loads with lower settling velocities. The y-axis is the settling velocity of the particles (m s−1). e Relationship between particle settling velocity and arrival time (the time when the first particle reaches each site) from the eruption onset. Colors indicate the sites corresponding to the marker colors in f. f Location of each site. The intervals for the x and y axes are 2 km

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