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Table 1 Key properties of the NIRAS-2 and the NIRAC

From: The first simultaneous spectroscopic and monochromatic imaging observations of short-wavelength infrared aurora of \(\mathrm {N_{2}^{+}}\) Meinel (0,0) band at 1.1 \(\mathrm {\mu }\)m with incoherent scatter radar

Specifications of the NIRAS-2


0.11\(^\circ\) \(\times\) 55\(^\circ\) (Meridional direction)

  Spatial resolutions

0.11\(^\circ\), 0.19 km near the center of the FOV

  Time resolutions

30 seconds

  2-D FPA

640 \(\times\) 512 pixels, 15-\(\mathrm {\mu m}\) pixel size, -80.0\({}^\circ\)C

  Aurora fine mode\(^{a}\)

  Spectral resolutions (FWHM)

0.21/0.44 nm with 30-/60-\(\mathrm {\mu m}\) slit

  Wavelength range

1065 –1135 nm

  Target emissions

\(\mathrm {N_{2}^{+}}\) Meinel (0,0) (and OH Meinel (5,2))

Specifications of the NIRAC


84\(^\circ\) \(\times\) 68\(^\circ\)

 Spatial resolutions

0.13\(^\circ\), 0.25 km near the center of the FOV

 Time resolutions

15 or 20 or 30 sec

 Filter center wavelength

1113 nm

 Filter width (FWHM)

13.8 nm

 2-D FPA

640 \(\times\) 512 pixels, 20-\(\mathrm {\mu m}\) pixel size, -55.0\({}^\circ\)C

 Target emissions

\(\mathrm {N_{2}^{+}}\) Meinel (0,0) and OH Meinel (5,2)

  1. a Other three modes with different targets and resolutions are also available