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Table 1 List of the selection criteria for the Tsunakawa–Shaw method

From: Archeointensity estimates of a tenth-century kiln: first application of the Tsunakawa–Shaw paleointensity method to archeological relics

Specimen level

f N

r N

Slope T

f T

r T

≥ 0.15

≥ 0.995


≥ 0.15

≥ 0.995

Site level


H δ %


≥ 3

≤ 20%

  1. f N , the fraction used for the best-fit line on the NRM-TRM1* plot of first heating; r N , the correlation coefficient for the best-fit line on the NRM-TRM1* plot of first heating; Slope T , the slope of the TRM1–TRM2* plot of second heating; f T , the fraction used for the best-fit line on the TRM1–TRM2* plot of second heating; r T , the correlation coefficient for the best-fit line on the TRM1–TRM2* plot of second heating; n, the number of the selected samples; H δ %, the value of the coefficient of variation