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Table 1 Characteristics of OCEL sessions and problems encountered during the analysis, shown for the selected experiments

From: Position determination of the Chang’e 3 lander with geodetic VLBI


Quasar data

Lunar data

RD1405 (OCEL01)

Stations used (8): Bd, Hh, Ho, Ny, On, Sh, Wz, Zc

(6): Bd, Ny, Ho, On, Wz, Zc

No. of usable/scheduled obs.: 2622/6585

301 /1018

Mc scheduled, but not participated

Most obs. during the last 6 h

Ny participating during the first 10 h


RD1506 (OCEL06)

Stations used (11): Bd, Ft, Hh, Ho, Kk, Mt, Ny, On, Sh, Wz, Zc

(8): Bd, Ft, Hh, Ho, Kk, Mt, Sh, Wz

No. of usable/scheduled obs.: 5064/6912


Manual phase calibration applied to all stations

19-h observation period

RFI at S band (Ft, Ho, Mt, Sh, Zc)


Problems at X band (Ho, Ny, Sh)


RD1510 (OCEL08)

Stations used (10): Bd, Ft, Ho, Ht, Kk, Mt, Ny, On, Wz, Zc

(9): No On

No. of usable/scheduled obs.: 3523/6045


Manual phase calibration (Kk)

22-h obs. period

RFI at S band (Ft, Mt, Zc)


Problems at X band (Ft, Ny)


RD1601 (OCEL09)

Stations used (10): Bd, Ft, Ho, Hh, Kk, Mt, Ny, On, Wz, Zc


No. of usable/scheduled obs.: 3791/6094


Manual phase calibration (Ho, Kk)

24-h obs. period

RFI at S band (Ft, Ho, Mt, Zc)


Problems at X band (Ny)


RD1604 (OCEL10)

Stations used (10): Bd, Ft, Hh, Ho, Mc, Ny, On, Sh, Wz, Zc

(7): Bd, Ft, Hh, Wz, On, Sh, Zc

No. of usable/scheduled obs.: 2617/7272


Manual phase calibration (Ho, Mc)

Most obs. during the first 8 h

RFI at S band (Zc, Ft, Mc)


Poor data quality at Mc: not used

Poor data quality at Mc: not used

RD1613 (OCEL12)

Stations used (9): Bd, Hh, Kk, Mt, Ny, On, Ft, Wz, Zc

(8): No Ft

No. of usable/scheduled obs.: 3022/5339


No signal in the last four X-band channels at Ft, Mt and Ny

16-h obs. period

RFI at S band (Ft, Mt, Zc)


Manual phase calibration (Kk)


Ho and Ur - not correlated

  1. The italic font indicates sessions used in this study. Two-letter telescope codes: BADARY (Bd), FORTLEZA (Ft), HARTRAO (Hh), HART15M (Ht), HOBART26 (Ho), KOKEE (Kk), KUNMING (Km), MATERA (Mt), MEDICINA (Mc), NYALES20 (Ny), ONSALA60 (On), SESHAN25 (Sh), URUMQI (Ur), WETTZELL (Wz), ZELENCHK (Zc)