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Fig. 2 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 2

From: 3-D global hybrid simulations of magnetospheric response to foreshock processes

Fig. 2

Case I: pressure and flow velocity components along the Sun–Earth line at 5 different moments of time. a–e Evolution of magnetic pressure (\(P_{{\text{B}}}\)), thermal pressure (\(P_{{{\text{th}}}}\)), dynamic pressure (\(P_{{{\text{dyn}}}}\)) and total pressure (\(P_{{{\text{tot}}}} ~ = ~P_{{\text{B}}} ~ + ~P_{{{\text{th}}}} ~ + ~P_{{{\text{dyn}}}}\)). f–j Evolution of dynamic pressure components (\(P_{{{\text{dyn}},x}} ,~P_{{{\text{dyn}},y}} ,~P_{{{\text{dyn}},z}}\)), as well as dynamic pressure (\(P_{{{\text{dyn}}}} = P_{{{\text{dyn}},x}} ~ + ~P_{{{\text{dyn}},y}} ~ + ~P_{{{\text{dyn}},z}}\)) shown in the corresponding left column. k–o Evolution of flow velocity components (\(V_{x} ,~V_{y} ,~V_{z}\)). The black arrows trace a series of dynamic pressure pulses originating from the ion foreshock, propagating through the magnetosheath, and finally interacting with the magnetopause. The shaded areas in e, j and o mark the location inside and near the magnetopause, where the deflection of magnetosheath flow occurs. The vertical black dashed lines reference the average positions of the magnetopause and the bow shock, respectively

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