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Table 4 Selection criteria

From: Investigating the utility of a high-temperature Thellier-style paleointensity experimental protocol









 ≥ 4

 ≥ 0.35

 ≤ 0.1

 ≥ 4

 ≤ 10

 ≤ 15

 ≤ 10%

  1. N is the number of data points on the Arai plot. FRAC is a measure of the amount of NRM used. The parameter β is a measure of the Arai plot data scatter, q is the quality factor, MADANC and α are measures of how well a specimen’s direction trends to the origin. DRAT checks for alteration by comparing the error to the length of the best-fit line, and |K’| measures the curvature of the selected portion of the Arai plot. Parameters were calculated according to the standard palaeointensity definitions (Paterson et al. 2014)
  2. *|K’| was not used as an explicit selection criterion but will rather be used as a measure of the technique’s efficacy. Additional file 1 contains the data suggested for use in any future SOH meta-analysis