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Table 1. Material properties, physical parameters, and input parameters for simulation.

From: 3D numerical simulation of volcanic eruption clouds during the 2011 Shinmoe-dake eruptions



Gravitational body force per unit mass, g

9.81 m s−2

Density of solid pyroclasts, σ

1000 kg m−3

Specific heat of solid pyroclasts, Cvs

1100 J kg−1 K−1

Specific heat of volcanic gas, Cvg

1348 J kg−1 K−1

Specific heat of air, Cva

713 J kg−1 K−1

Gas constant of volcanic gas, Rg

462 J kg−1 K−1

Gas constant of air, Ra

287 J kg−1 K−1

Altitude of vent

1400 m

Volatile content, ng0

3 wt%

Magma temperature, T0

1273.15 K

Initial mixture density, ρ0

5.74 kg m−3

Mass discharge rate,m0

1.5 × 106 kg s −1

Exit velocity, w0

134 m s−1

Vent diameter, D0

49 m