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Table 4. Results of the test runs of the FTMM defined in Table 2 and Section 3. For clarity, only the results for the and coefficients are shown but these are indicative of the relative behaviour of the test models for all coefficients. Note that both ‘20s’ run also use input models from the Comprehensive Inversion chain and should therefore be compared with the ‘C.I.’ run. Only the ‘12hr ’ model shows any significant decrease in quality.

From: Rapid modelling of the large-scale magnetospheric field from Swarm satellite data







RMS misfit (nT)

3.51 / 0.67

4.45 / 0.88

3.52 / 0.67

4.14 / 0.66

4.14 / 0.66

Squared correlation

0.99 / 0.90

0.97 / 0.81

0.99 / 0.90

0.99 / 0.90

0.99 / 0.90

Min. coherence (>2dys)

0.99 / 0.68

0.98 / 0.48

0.99 / 0.68

0.99 / 0.70

0.99 / 0.69

Best-fit gradient

1.01 / 1.20

1.01 / 1.19

1.01 / 1.20

1.01 / 1.20

1.01 / 1.20

Best-fit y-intercept (nT)

−3.10 / 0.00

−3.19 / 0.00

−3.10 / 0.00

−3.81 / 0.00

−3.81 / 0.00