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Dominance of toroidal oscillations in dawn/dusk sectors: A consequence of solar wind pressure variation


The pressure variations in the solar wind produce the oscillations in surface currents at the magnetopause boundary in order to nullify the pressure imbalance. These currents introduce compressional variations in the magnetic field within the magnetosphere. The response of transverse field line oscillations to such changes in the magnetic field has been brought out in perfectly reflecting ionospheric conditions. The analysis clearly shows that the fundamental toroidal modes are dominant in the dawn and the dusk sectors as revealed by the statistical studies of pulsations observed by the satellite AMPTE/CCE (Anderson et al., 1990). It is traditionally believed that such oscillations are mainly driven by Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability (Anderson et al., 1990). Our analysis shows that the dominance of fundamental toroidal modes in the dawn and dusk sectors can also be explained in terms of response to impressed pressure impulses without invoking K-H instability. The analysis also shows that poloidal modes do not exhibit any longitudinal structures. These results are consistent with the observations (Anderson et al., 1990).


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Sinha, A.K., Rajaram, R. Dominance of toroidal oscillations in dawn/dusk sectors: A consequence of solar wind pressure variation. Earth Planet Sp 55, 93–104 (2003).

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