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Mass budget of the magma flow in the 2000 volcano-seismic activity at Izu-islands, Japan


Eruptive and caldera-forming activity at Miyakejima volcano island, Japan, commenced on 26 June 2000 was accompanied by more than 40 day of seismic swarms and significant crustal deformation in the nearby islands and sea region besides those at Miyakejima itself. The migration of the hypocenters in the early stage suggests that they were triggered by magma intrusion from Miyakejima. However, it remains uncertain whether the long-lasting seismic swarms and ground displacements in the northern Izu-islands were totally maintained by the magma flow from Miyakejima, because another magma source nearby Kozushima was suggested previously, which is 40 km north-west of Miyakejima, based upon anomalous ground displacements. Here we report the detection of associated changes with the 2000 activity in both absolute gravity and elevation at Kozushima as well as those at Miyakejima. Combining these data with horizontal GPS displacements, we extend the analysis of Nishimura et al. (2001) and construct an optimum source model, so that we can account for the observed changes in geodetic data and determine the mass budget of the magma flow. The total mass of the newly intruded dike offshore of Miyakejima and nearby Kozushima turned out to be 130% or greater than the lost mass at Miyakejima. As long as there are no other source elements, another magma reservoir near Kozushima is required and is suggested to have been activated, causing the seismic swarms and crustal deformation. We may speculate as a phenomenology that the rapid lateral magma flow from Miyakejima in the very beginning of the unrest awakened a dormant reservoir offshore of Miyakejima and Kozushima.


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Furuya, M., Okubo, S., Kimata, F. et al. Mass budget of the magma flow in the 2000 volcano-seismic activity at Izu-islands, Japan. Earth Planet Sp 55, 375–385 (2003).

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