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Volume 58 Supplement 9

Special Issue: International Sessions of Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting 2005

Dynamics and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA)—Japanese sounding rocket campaign—


Japanese sounding rocket “S-310-35” was launched from And/0ya Rocket Range in Norway on December 13, 2004 during Dynamics and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA) campaign, in which the rocket-borne in-situ measurements and ground-based measurements were coordinated to carry out a comprehensive observation of the thermospheric response against the auroral energy input. The instruments on board the rocket successfully performed their measurements during the flight, and thereby the temperature and density of molecular nitrogen, auroral emission rate, and the ambient plasma parameters were derived. Simultaneous measurements by the ground-based instruments provided neutral wind, neutral temperature, the auroral images and the ionospheric parameters near the rocket trajectory. This paper introduces science objectives, experimental outline, and preliminary scientific results of the DELTA campaign and explains geophysical condition at the time of the rocket launch, while the companion papers in this special issue describe more detailed results from each instrument.


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Abe, T., Kurihara, J., Iwagami, N. et al. Dynamics and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA)—Japanese sounding rocket campaign—. Earth Planet Sp 58, 1165–1171 (2006).

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