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An aspect of the subsurface structure of the Burdur-Isparta area, SW Anatolia, based on gravity and aeromagnetic data, and some tectonic implications


Gravity and aeromagnetic analyses were conducted in the Burdur-Isparta area of Turkey in order to identify the subsurface structure and tectonics of the region independent of surface cover. The analytic signal of the aeromagnetic anomalies was first calculated to delineate the source fields of these anomalies. The magnetic signatures were found to correlate well with the intrusives associated with the subduction of the African oceanic lithosphere and with the ophiolitic nappes in the region. The residual aeromagnetic anomalies mostly orientate in the N-S direction, implying the presence of remanent magnetization. Based on the shape analysis of aeromagnetic anomalies, the region appears to have rotated clockwise. The magnetic anomalies were found to continue upward to 5 km a.s.l. The upward continued map shows deep effects of the sub-crustal magnetic sources. Based on the Bouguer gravity anomalies, the thickness of the crust in the study area is between 33 and 37.5 km. Major extensive NE- and NW- as well as N-trending faults are identified that coincide with the Lake Burdur, Lake Beysehir and Kovada grabens, respectively. Lake Egirdir is also devoid of any magnetic sources. As a final step, the maxima of the horizontal gradient of the gravity data were calculated. The maxima show that the major geological formations and the structural trends in the area are remarkable. The boundaries of the various geological formations can be identified based on the boundary analysis of the gravity and the analytic signal of the aeromagnetic data. The change in the nature of the anomalies reflects the imprints of intense deformation associated with major tectonic activity of the African-Eurasian plate convergence zone.


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Dolmaz, M.N. An aspect of the subsurface structure of the Burdur-Isparta area, SW Anatolia, based on gravity and aeromagnetic data, and some tectonic implications. Earth Planet Sp 59, 5–12 (2007).

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