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An interhemispheric comparison of the geomagnetic activity signature in the lower atmosphere


The geomagnetic activity signature in the southern hemisphere atmospheric circulation is examined and the results are compared to those of Palamara and Bryant (2004) and other researchers for the northern hemisphere. Sliding correlations are used with monthly data to identify temporal and seasonal aspects of a potential relationship between solar modulated geomagnetic activity and the southern annular mode, while the geomagnetic activity signature in both hemispheres is compared in zonal-mean zonal wind data. The results reveal that apart from a suggestive, but inconclusive, relationship between the geomagnetic AA index and an index of the southern annular mode in March, there is no evidence for a geomagnetic activity signature in the southern hemisphere troposphere.


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Palamara, D.R. An interhemispheric comparison of the geomagnetic activity signature in the lower atmosphere. Earth Planet Sp 56, e25–e28 (2004).

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