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Volume 60 Supplement 4

Special Issue: Lunar Science with the SELENE “Kaguya” Mission-Prelaunch Studies-

Telescope of extreme ultraviolet (TEX) onboard SELENE: science from the Moon


The Upper Atmosphere and Plasma Imager (UPI) is to be launched in 2007 and sent to the Moon. From the lunar orbit, two telescopes are to be directed towards the Earth. The Moon has no atmosphere, which results in there being no active emission near the spacecraft; consequently, we will have a high-quality image of the near-Earth environment. As the Moon orbits the Earth once a month, the Earth will also be observed from many different directions. This is called a “science from the Moon”. The two telescopes are mounted on a two-axis gimbal system, the Telescope of Extreme ultraviolet (TEX) and Telescope of Visible light (TVIS). TEX detects the O II (83.4 nm) and He II (30.4 nm) emissions scattered by ionized oxygen and helium, respectively. The targets of extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) imaging are the polar ionosphere, the polar wind, and the plasmasphere and inner magnetosphere. The maximum spatial and time resolutions are 0.09 Re and 1 min, respectively.


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Yoshikawa, I., Yamazaki, A., Murakami, G. et al. Telescope of extreme ultraviolet (TEX) onboard SELENE: science from the Moon. Earth Planet Sp 60, 407–416 (2008).

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