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Figure 6 | Earth, Planets and Space

Figure 6

From: Stress state in the upper crust around the source region of the 1891 Nobi earthquake through shear wave polarization anisotropy

Figure 6

Average splitting parameters at each station. The orientation and the length of each bar indicate the average ϕ and the average δt n at each station using the results of this study and Hiramatsu et al. (2010). Red bars indicate that the angular difference between the average ϕ and the orientation of the principal compressional axis of the strain rate is within 30° and that the data number is greater than, or equal to, 3. Purple bars indicate that the angular difference is within 30° and the data number is smaller than, or equal to 2, and light blue bars indicate that the angular difference is greater than 30°. Gray lines are Quaternary active faults. Black lines show the source fault of the 1891 Nobi earthquake.

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