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Fig. 10 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 10

From: Genesis of the columnar joints from welded tuff in Mount Mudeung National Geopark, Republic of Korea

Fig. 10

Elevation-dependent distribution of colonnades using a scaling analysis and numerical model calculations with the same naming convention used in Fig. 2. Major colonnades are described as D (Donghwa-sa), JB (Jung-bong), JBJ (Jangbul-jae), CD (Chotdae-bong), A (Mt. Anyang), IS (Ipseokdae), S (small-scale colonnades), SS (Seoseok-dae), I (Inwang-bong), J (Jiwang-bong), C (Cheonwang-bong), G (Gyu-bong), H (Gate of the Air force facility), B (Buk-bong) and SSD (Sinseon-dae). C1L (green) represents the lower colonnades at the summit area of Mt. Mudeung. C2U (red) and C2L (yellow) represent the upper and lower colonnades exposed at intermediate elevations on Mt. Mudeung. C3U (blue) represents the upper colonnades occupying the lowest regions of Mt. Mudeung. Because the Chotdae-bong colonnades are ~2 million years older than the other colonnades, welded tuff along the ridge between Jangbul-jae (JBJ) and Mt. Anyang (A) may have been separately formed

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