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Table 2 Table listing the major findings of this work. The explored parameters are period P = 24, 12, 8, 6, 4.8, 4 h; variance \(\sigma ^2 = 95 \%\) or \(99\%\) provided by PCA; total length of time series used for PCA (maximum—almost 1 year, minimum—2 weeks); selection of time series (separating them into sections); high latitude filtering by applying an SH filter of degree \(N_{cut}\); segment length along which a Fourier transform is applied (24, 48, 72 h); and latitude of observatory stations used for the estimation of the source coefficient. “N/A” stands for not applicable

From: Towards probing Earth’s upper mantle with daily magnetic field variations: exploring a physics-based parametrization of the source

Explored parameter

Effect on the number of modes

Effect on the spatial features

\(R^2\) results

Period (P)

Increases for decreasing P

Long P show larger scale features

Short P show smaller and high latitude features

Increased agreement with increasing P


Doubles when going from 95 to 99%

Subsequent modes tend towards smaller scale features

Improved when using higher variance

Length of time series

Increases for longer time series

Only a weak effect on the dominant modes

Improved for longer time series

Selection of time series

Increases for equinoctial months

Only a weak effect on the dominant modes

Weak improvement for equinoctial months

High latitude filtering

Decreases (more prominent for lower \(N_{cut}\))

Features are blurred, but still present at high latitudes

Worsens compared to unfiltered data

FT segment length

Decreases for longer segment lengths

Longer segment lengths show expected Sq pattern at short P

Improved for short segment lengths

Observatory latitude



Best agreement using only mid latitudes