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Fig. 12 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 12

From: Using a grid-search approach to validate the Graves–Pitarka broadband simulation method

Fig. 12

Comparison of the mean rupture areas for the five lowest misfit realizations for each of the 12 validation events with published relations: HB02 is from Hanks and Bakun (2002), S09 is from Shaw (2009), and L14 is from Leonard (2014). The gray shading indicates the standard deviation estimate from L14. For the simulations, circles denote strike-slip and oblique-slip events, and squares denote reverse-slip events. Symbols are plotted at the mean value and the vertical bars indicate the minimum and maximum rupture areas across the five lowest misfit realizations (bars hidden behind symbol when minimum and/or maximum are very close to mean)

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