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Table 1 Physical properties of gabbro

From: Thermoelastic instability on a frictional surface and its implication for size effect in friction experiments

P-wave speed \({V}_{\mathrm{P}}\)

6460 ms−1


S-wave speed \({V}_{\mathrm{S}}\)

3500 ms−1


Density \(\rho\)

2991 kgm−3


Volumetric thermal expansivity \(\beta\)

1.6 × 10–5 K−1


Thermal conductivity \(\kappa\)

2.63 Wm−1 K−1


Heat capacity per mass \({c}_{\mathrm{p}}\)

1.01 kJkg−1 K−1


  1. *1Schön (2015)
  2. *2Robertson (1988)