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Fig. 6 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 6

From: Correlation between induced polarization and sulfide content of rock samples obtained from seafloor hydrothermal mounds in the Okinawa Trough, Japan

Fig. 6

Illustration of electric current flow through a rock with a high concentration of sulfide, in relation to the electric field direction. The horizontal axis indicates the direction of the electric field, which generates a voltage difference at the ends. The black arrow shows the direction of the electric field, and the yellow shape represents the sulfide particle: a At high frequency, electric currents predominantly flow through the sulfide. b At low frequency, electric charges gather in alignment with the electric field direction, neutralizing the sulfide's internal electric field and preventing current flow within the sulfide. This leads to a decrease in electrical conductivity as the electric current is directed through the more resistant areas surrounding the sulfide particles

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