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Fig. 6 | Earth, Planets and Space

Fig. 6

From: Evaluation of the effects of ground shaking and static volumetric strain change on earthquake-related groundwater level changes in Taiwan

Fig. 6

Relationships among the coseismic and/or postseismic groundwater level changes, calculated coseismic static volumetric strain changes (CVSC), and peak ground accelerations (PGA) at JHU. Symbols show patterns of the coseismic and/or postseismic groundwater level changes. Triangles, circles, and squares show persistent changes, only oscillations, and no changes, respectively (Table 4(a)). The directions of the triangles show persistent increases or decreases in the groundwater level. The size of the triangle shows the amplitude (H) of the persistent change. The triangle color shows how the persistent groundwater level change is explained by volumetric strain changes. ‘White’ means ‘quantitatively explainable’, ‘gray’ means ‘qualitatively explainable’, and ‘black’ means it is not explained by the volumetric strain change at all. ‘Quantitatively explainable’ means that observed coseismic and/or postseismic groundwater level changes are 50–200% of the expected groundwater level changes (Gle) in Tables 4(a) and 4(b).

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