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Shear instabilities in the dust layer of the solar nebula III. Effects of the Coriolis force


In previous our papers (Sekiya and Ishitsu, 2000 and 2001), hydrodynamic stability of the dust layer in the solar nebula is investigated. However, these papers neglected the rotational effects, that is, the Coriolis and tidal forces. These forces may stabilize the shear instability of the dust layer. In this paper, the linear stability analysis with the Coriolis and without tidal force is done in order to elucidate the effects of the Coriolis force. Our results indicate that the growth rates of the instabilities are similar between the cases with and without the Coriolis force. However, we found a new type of instability which resembles the Lindblad resonance. This instability only emerges if the growth rate is similar to or smaller than the Keplerian angular frequency. The energy source of the instability is different from that of the shear instability.


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Ishitsu, N., Sekiya, M. Shear instabilities in the dust layer of the solar nebula III. Effects of the Coriolis force. Earth Planet Sp 54, 917–926 (2002).

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